Veterans & Medicare

by | Jul 28, 2022

It can be confusing for anyone as to whether or not you should are to enroll in Medicare whenever you turn 65, this can be especially true for Veterans. The Veterans Administration recommends that if you are a Veteran and currently enrolled in VA Benefits, TRICARE, or CHAMPVA Benefits, you should sign up for Part A & B upon turning 65.

Here are some of the benefits of signing up for Medicare as a Veteran:

– You will have coverage if you need to visit a non-VA doctor or hospital – giving you more options

– You could avoid late enrollment penalties should you choose to enroll in Part B in the future

– If you sign up for Part D, you could use it to receive medicine from non-VA doctors or pharmacies

There are additional plan options that you can use to complement either your veterans benefits or your Medicare. One such option is Medicare Advantage plans that are designed specifically for veterans. These plans will offer coverage for you if you must go to a civilian hospital in an emergency situation. This type of plan protects you from the out-of-pocket costs that can occur in an emergency when you have no choice but to go to a civilian hospital. Be sure to research these types of plans fully, as to not interfere with your current benefits.

If you have any questions about these plans or any questions at all about Medicare, we love to help our veterans! We owe you a huge debt of gratitude and we thank you so much for your service!

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